Wednesday, December 5, 2012


There are several ways to improve the human impact towards the Cuban Pine Forests. The most important step would be to conserve and preserve. People should develop a sustainable way to continue utilizing the resources found in the Cuban Pine Forests without causing further damage to its natural habitat. In agriculture, they should plant a variety of crops instead of the monoculture of citrus fruit plants. Only 11% of the forests are protected, leaving 89% susceptible to becoming extinct due to negative human impact. In order to preserve Cuban Pine Forests, the Cuban government should create and enforce more laws to protect more areas. Another improvement is raising awareness on the endangered species and exploitation of the endemic plant and animal species. Through raising awareness, hopefully society will be able to protect these species and decrease and eventually stop the exploitation. Since fires are a huge threat, it is recommended to set broad leafed plants around the forests to act as a barrier against fire. These firebreaks act as a blockade and protect the forests by letting the fire die down once it reaches the barrier (D'Ambrosio). Another recommendation is increased public environmental education in Cuba (UNESCO) so more people can be informed about this interesting ecoregion and the need for the forests to be protected.

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